gravitational contraction
美 [ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl kənˈtrækʃn]英 [ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl kənˈtrækʃn]
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An interpretation of the present peculiar distribution of angular momentum in the solar system is given : before entering the main sequence , the sun while undergoing gravitational contraction lost most of its angular momentum ;
The planet would start off uniformly lukewarm-probably a bit over room temperature-and the gravitational contraction would heat the deep interior by a handful of degrees .
Meat doesn 't compress very well , so it would undergo only a little bit of gravitational contraction , and we 'd end up with a mole planet slightly larger than the Moon .
gravitational potential
Gravitational vortex
Gravitational-wave observatory
Gravity casting
gravity dressing
gravity gradiometer
gray desert soil
Gray image
gravitational constant
gravitational collapse
gravid uterus
Graveyard School
gravelly sand
Grating ruler
Grateful Dead
Grassroots star
Grassland Science
grassland ecology